Assumed mysql server IP is
Persyaratan yang diperlukan :
- Seperangkat komputer dengan Operating System linux Debian/Ubuntu
- Aplikasi MySQL Server
- A set of computer with Debian or Ubuntu Operating System
- Application MySQL Server
- Untuk login ke MySQL ketik script berikut pada terminal
- To log into MySQL in terminal type the following script
mysql -u root -h localhsot -p
- Membuat User Baru
- Creating a New User
Create user 'username'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
Grant All Privileges On *.* to 'username'@'';
- Memberi izin akses
- Gives access permission
GRANT ALL ON *.* to 'username'@'192.168.1.%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
- Merubah IP server yang dikenali mysql
- Changing IP server mysql recognized
Sunting berkas /etc/mysql/my.cnf
Carilah scritp berikut :
Edit the file / etc / mysql / my.cnf
Look scritp following:
Edit the file / etc / mysql / my.cnf
Look scritp following:
bind-address =
Rubah menjadi script berikut :
Change to the script:
Change to the script:
bing-address =
- Restart Mysql Server
sudo /etc/inti.d/mysql restart