Linux .. What you can not do. You're across the Grand Canyon and Mount Everest. It was just a virus that you can not run.
Kali ini kita akan membuat kalender dengan Ink Scape secara otomatis.
This time we will create a calendar with Ink Scape automatically.
Cara membuatnya sangat mudah. Berikut langkah kerjanya :
How to make it very easy. The following work steps:
- Masuk ke Extention --> Render --> Calendar
- Go to the Extension -> Render -> Calendar
- Sesuaikan nama bulan dan hari sesuai seletramu di tab Localization
- Customize the name of the month and day according to your taste at the Localization tab
- Langkahselanjutnya menyeting tab lain, seperti warna dan sebagainya.
- Klik Apply untuk membuat kalendernya
- Beyond the setting up another tab, such as color and so on.
- Click Apply to make the calendar
- Jika sudah jadi anda bisa berikan pengaturan dan anda permanis sesuai keinginan anda.
- If it is so you can give your settings permanently and your own.